William Bush
Springfield, TN
Chief Marketing Officer
In 2022, we have reached a total of 4,896,568 souls. This counts more than just Student registrations, but all the ways God has enabled us to share the Gospel through the WBS tools. Here’s a breakdown of each tool:
- 1.37M Printed Lessons
- 2.33M Online Lessons
- 83K Study Bible
- 1.10M Mathetis
In the month of December we broke multiple monthly records, which led to us reaching a record-breaking total of 998,326 souls! That’s nearly 1-million souls in just one month!!!
- Printed Lesson enrolled 106,877 new students in December (totaling 827,165 in 2022).
- Online Lesson reached 356,234 souls in December.
- 335,795 people watched at least one of our Mathetis videos in December.
From the nearly 5-million souls reached with the Gospel, Printed Lessons enrolled 827,165 new Students and Online Lessons registered 135,869 new Students, which totals to 963,034 new World Bible School Students in 2022. But don’t forget about our other tools. There were 461,715 people who started a study by watching one of our Mathetis videos and we distributed 83,205 WBS Study Bibles. That is a total of 1,507,954 Bible studies started with WBS tools in 2022! Praise God!
We not only want to reach more souls, but also help them progress in their knowledge and study of God’s Word. One of our latest challenges has been retaining our Printed Lesson Students as international postal systems continue to shut down since the COVID pandemic. With this challenge in focus, we were able to increase our Printed Lessons return rate by 60% in 2022.
With mobile technologies becoming more readily available in third-world countries, God has opened doors using our UX/Engineering department to build new avenues to share the Gospel. One of these avenues has become our WBS Lite app for Students. In 2022, 50% of our Online Lesson Students registered using the WBS Lite app. Thank God for His provisions to equip us with this excellent tool to share the Gospel in new areas as well allowing us to continue to share the Gospel in areas where postal systems are dwindling.
In 2022, we have seen exciting growth in our 10-Million for Christ campaign. We have been able to measure and identify several points in which we can improve and grow in our mission to share Jesus with the world! I am confident we will reach 10,000,000 souls as we conclude the campaign at the end of the year.
Not only are we reaching more seekers with the Gospel, we have also seen an increase in churches and individuals willing to teach.
- 2,702 New Study Helpers
- 2,702 Mathetis users
- 110 New Congregations
Click here to learn how you can join us in our mission to share the Gospel of Jesus to 10-million souls.