Recently, Dimpo Motimele (South Africa), George Funk (Australia), and Charles Odoi (Ghana) visited us at the WBS headquarters in Austin, TX. These men are leaders of one of our most valuable sister ministry relationships, Gospel Chariot / Gospel Share Ministries.
These ministries have been experiencing explosive growth as they have been training young Christians around the world to go into empty fields, sow the Gospel seed through evangelism, disciple those who willingly follow Jesus, form the harvest into vibrant churches, and produce self-sustaining leadership for exponential growth! The Gospel Chariot / Gospel Share Ministries call this program “Four Fields Training.”
I have had the pleasure of fellowshipping with many of these indigenous leaders and they are on fire for Jesus! In a recent online meeting, we exchanged ideas of how those planting new churches can best deploy the tools of WBS with a synergistic effect.

As a church planting missionary, I have used similar methods over the years for church planting movements. Within each one of the empty fields where Sondra and I labored, WBS Students had already been prepared by the massive seed sowing of WBS Study Helpers. How exciting to see our brothers and sisters around the globe taking these principles and putting them into ACTION!
Therefore we are partnering with the Four Fields Training program, calling it “WBS Gather.” WBS tools are especially helpful with seed sowing and discipleship. WBS depends on church planters and leaders to provide the follow-up and the church family environment for our WBS Students who become New Testament Christians. With Four Fields Training, our WBS Students will be challenged to not only become Christians, but to evangelize their neighbors to become Christians; not only to find their place in the church, but to plant new churches.
WBS is excited about how our two efforts can bring about explosive synergy! We are exploring all ways possible to maximize our impact on our world. 10-Million for Christ? How about 8-billion for Christ?!
Our first WBS Gather meeting will be Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 05:00 p.m. Universal Time UTC. To join our Zoom meeting click the following link:
Meeting ID: 844 1229 2889
Passcode: 633424
Contact WBS Support at help@worldbibleschool.net if you have any questions.