One Question, Two Answers

The following question is often posed to us during the early months of a new year:
“So, how did WBS do last year?”

Answer #1:

“Well, 2022 was a challenging year for everyone, affecting giving, putting pressure on budgets and— WAIT! Let’s take a look at this past year through the lens of what God did with our efforts.

Answer #2:

“Wow, God is so good to WBS! He blessed us to share Jesus and equip so many Christians during 2022. I could show you some numbers and tell you some amazing stories…”

Naturally, Answer #2 is our first response, the correct answer, and the true story of 2022. If you’ve read these letters and kept up with our ACTION! magazine, or if you have personally been involved with sharing the Gospel with our tools, you’re familiar with wonderful accounts—and numerical accounting —of God at work through WBS.

Our efforts to fulfill 10,000,000 for Christ during 2022 and 2023 started modestly, but picked up more and more momentum throughout the year. In our two-year goal of offering 10,000,000 people the opportunity to study God’s Word, we have been able to offer 5.8 million souls that opportunity with our tools through February 2023. Amazing how God opens doors!

No doubt, 10,000,000 is a big number. It includes more than just Student registrations, a more familiar number that we track and report. (Again, to date we have had 1,100,000 seekers enroll to study WBS Printed and Online Lessons.) 10,000,000 for Christ represents souls who were presented the Gospel through one of our many, effective outreach tools. The greater our reach in offering, the greater our number of registrations to study.

Speaking of numbers and stories, we’ve enclosed a sheet that only begins to summarize and illustrate how God is blessing 10,000,000 for Christ. As we communicate throughout the year, this updated insert will inform and inspire you.

Leaders of the Concord Road church of Christ in Nashville mentor their youth in the grading of WBS courses for students in Ghana.
Leaders of the Concord Road church of Christ in Nashville mentor their youth in the grading of WBS courses for students in Ghana.

One of our most encouraging stories is how 110 congregations of the Lord’s church have either re-started their WBS program (post COVID) or started a new WBS program in 2022. The brotherhood is busy reaching out and growing via evangelism! Let’s be praying for God to bless all of these efforts.

How exciting to see the value and skills of evangelism being passed on to the next generation! That will not only bless those being taught, but it will bless these young people with a faith that they are able to defend and share.

The incredible reach of WBS tools is most importantly understood by the individual impact of the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. Sondra (my wife) and I were traveling and representing WBS through several cities and provinces of the country of South Africa in January of this year. While traveling in a remote area for several days, we needed to do some laundry. I stopped in a small town and asked a lady on the side of the road, “Is there a laundromat in this town?” She said, “No, but I do laundry occasionally for people.” After agreeing to hire her, she noticed my red blazer and my WBS lapel pin. She said, “W…B…S…?, Are you with World Bible School?! I just received my 7th certificate for my on-line completion of your Master Series!”

Brian presents his WBS Presentation Bible to Sondra, an accomplished WBS Student in South Africa.
Brian presents his WBS Presentation Bible to Sondra, an accomplished WBS Student in South Africa.

Her name is Sondra, too. What a surprise and a joy it was to get to know her and hear of her growth in the knowledge of God’s Word. I had preached my last Gospel meeting by that time. So, I presented her with my personal WBS presentation Bible to encourage her continued studies. The capacity of WBS to reach into the far corners of our world is life-changing for so many…and is life-changing for Sondra!

Even in trying economic times, the Great Commission of Jesus is still before us. We need your help to continue reaching out and offering the opportunity to every soul to get to know Jesus. Please consider giving generously as we continue reaching out together. And thank you for your faithful partnership!

P.S. Let’s create more stories of God fulfilling His Great Commission with WBS. Your gift now will do just that. Click here to give.

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