Jaclyn is More than Numbers

Tim Yaeger


Tim Yeager
Chief Information Officer
Birmingham, AL


A new record is broken! This time, it’s not the number of registrations in a month. We continue to see strong registration numbers, above 21,000 people registering for a Bible study. Today’s record break is different. It’s the next level of engagement we want to see with a seeker learning the Gospel and Study Helpers teaching the Gospel. In May, we saw the number of quizzes graded and submitted the highest ever. We are sowing lots of seeds with people registering, but the work of watering is growing strong. That’s exactly how Paul describes it in 1 Corinthians chapter 3. Paul planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. No one person can boast about what they have done alone. We work together to sow, to water, but ultimately, God gives the increase.

As I write this article, I’ve recently arrived in Greece for a family mission trip. Sowing and watering are happening, but the soil here can be more rocky, much like we read about when Paul spoke on Mars Hill. However, our job is the same to sow and water because some seeds will fall on fertile soil. One tool I’ll be encouraging the church here to use for sowing is the bookmark flyers that can be used to recruit Students. These are useful to give out to people you have a conversation with or leave in a place that someone could find and pick up. You can find these and other downloadable resources at https://www.worldbibleschool.net/product-tag/downloadable/ Use them for your work or as inspiration to make your own.

In May 2024, we saw the following activity:

Online Registrations

  • Web Students: 6,202
  • Postal Students: 350
  • WBS Lite: 15,210

Online Activity

  • 26,322 quizzes graded by Study Helpers
  • 26,026 quizzes submitted by Students
  • 20,026 adoptions were made

Online Follow-up Activity

  • 19 baptisms completed
  • 21 personal Bible studies started
  • 9 people connected to a local congregation

Jaclyn is More Than a Number

WBS Student, Jaclyn, registered for lessons on the WBS App in early April of this year. When she began, she told us she hoped she was saved but she was unsure of her salvation. As Jaclyn completed the lessons, she let her Study Helper, Brenda H, know she was interested in an in-person Bible Study to discuss the meaning of being born again. Brenda submitted Jaclyn for Follow-up with the objective of a personal Bible study. Follow-up Partner, Walker H, from Tennessee, contacted Jaclyn and studied the Bible with her over the phone. Then he connected Jaclyn with a church of Christ in her area. An elder from the congregation studied more with Jaclyn. On May 27, Jaclyn was baptized in Christ! Praise God! Jaclyn shared she is eager to grow closer to Christ and grow in the Spirit. Please pray for Jaclyn as she begins her Christian walk.

If you would like to send us stories of your Students, please email us pictures and information to help@worldbibleschool.net. Please ask your Student for permission before sharing their story.

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To become a Study Helpers you must:
  1. Apply and be approved by WBS.
  2. Receive your confirmation email from WBS.
  3. Log into worldbibleschool.org or the WBS App using the login credentials provided in the confirmation email.

If you have already been approved as a Study Helper you can log into the website or the app using your login credentials. Students can register directly on worldbibleschool.org, the WBS App or WBS Lite.