Postal is method of teaching the Master Series, WBS core curriculum, to Students seeking to know Jesus by mail.
Speaker: David Burks of Searcy, AR Visit worldbibleschool.net/nashville2021 to RSVP.
Speaker: Truitt Adair of Lubbock, TX Please RSVP by October 25 Visit worldbibleschool.net/austin2021 to RSVP
Join us to hear in person about 10,000,000 for Christ! Speaker: Brian Rex Davis President, World Bible School Please RSVP at the website below by August 23. If you have any questions, call us at 512-345-8190.
Join us to hear in person about 10,000,000 for Christ! Speaker: Kyle Butt Writer, Apologetics Press Please RSVP at the website below by September 6. If you have any questions, call us at 512-345-8190
Join us to hear in person about 10,000,000 for Christ! Speaker: TJ Kirk Vice President for Student Services, Freed- Hardeman University Please RSVP at the website below by September 26. If you have any questions, call us at 512-345-8190.
Join us to hear in person about 10,000,000 for Christ! Speaker: Jeff Jenkins Minister, Co-Owner of Jenkins Institute Please RSVP at the website below by November 1.
You are invited to our annual WBS Benefit Dinner. Click here to visit our special dinner page to RSVP, give or learn more.