WBS in Nigeria – BIG Impact!

What a welcome! Follow-up teams from several states in Nigeria greeted Brian and Sondra upon their arrival at the airport. Because of a flight delay, the Nigerian Follow-up teams, along with local and national news media, waited several hours for their arrival to greet them.

Godwin Isaac (left), National Coordinator for WBS in Nigeria, and Chad Wagner (right), President of the African Christian Schools Foundation, worked together to plan a dynamic program to encourage WBS Follow-up teams and church leadership participation.

(Pictured below) Brian and Chad join in a group prayer with Biodun Owalabi, Provost of Western Nigerian Christian Bible College, Monday John Akpakpan, WBS Follow-up worker since 1973, Mike Udom, Director of the WBS Great Workshop and Godwin Isaac.

Brother Akpakpan challenged all 600 church leaders and WBS Follow-up workers attending the WBS Great Workshop to work together in unity and in love with WBS tools so that God could use everyone in a mighty way to share Jesus with Nigeria and beyond!


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