January 2025 – Coordinators Corner

A Word from the Word

It is so challenging and disheartening when you pour your heart and soul into helping someone, you invest in their lives to lead them to Christ and yet they just don’t listen. It can seem like they rejected you, when in reality they have rejected Christ. You try and try and try again to reach them and get through but to no avail. Your heart aches, your tears flow, you look for the why?!

Maybe you adopted 20 Students last week and only one started the intro and then stopped short of completing it. It could be that you had a Student stop after one or two lessons and they have not responded to any of your messages. Have you had a Student who just never obeyed the Gospel even after completing all the courses. Often we take it personally and ask questions like: “What could I have done differently? Did I do something that caused them to quit? Why can’t they see the truth?”

While it is always good to ask and look for the why along with reviewing our approach to see if there is something we could do to be more effective in sharing the Gospel, we shouldn’t let someone else’s lack of response knock us down and discourage us for too long! Even Jesus was rejected in his home town (Matthew 13:53-58). He had been performing miracles and demonstrating unparalleled wisdom but they still didn’t believe! We see in this rejection that each person is responsible for their own soul and not even our Lord was able to change the minds of everyone.

We may never know the impact of our seed sowing efforts on others. Maybe our continual efforts of helping those in need have made an eternal impact on a person who is struggling now, but down the road they will search out the Christ you showed them. It could be that our numerous messages of encouragement where the only positive notes someone received and it stuck in their mind and resurfaces years later. The point is that we may never know and that’s okay because we are doing this alone. Remember what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 3:6? “I planted, Apollos watered, but God caused it to grow.” (NET)

We can’t let the hard heart of one person keep us from sharing Jesus with another person! Romans 10:14-15 reminds us that in order for a person to believe they must hear the Good News, and that necessitates someone telling it! Let us all remember the words of Paul in Galatians 6:9 “So we must not grow weary in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not give up!” (NET).

Tips and Hacks – The Resources Tab

If you are new to using WBS Online or even if you have been a Study Helper for over 10 years, the Resources Tab is packed full of helpful information and tutorials! Wondering why a student answered a quiz question in Born of Water and the Spirit a certain way? Click on “Courses” and read through the lesson. Wondering how the best way to introduce yourself to new students? Check out the “Study Helper Tutorial” section and find the tutorial labeled “Introducing Yourself”. Check out our FAQ page or contact us with a specific question all through the Resources Tab!

Upcoming Events

Will you be in an area near us and have questions? Do you want to learn more about WBS Tools? Swing by and see us. We would love to see you at any of our events and assist in any way we can!

  • SIBI Vision Workshop – Lubbock, TX – January 29-31
  • CYC Pigeon Forge – Pigeon Forge, TN – February 21-23
  • Telling the Story: Church Growth and Evangelism Conference – Dallas, TX – February 21-23
  • Revive Youth Minister’s Retreat – Columbia, TN – March 3-5
  • Affirming the Faith – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma – March 7-8
  • Abundant Living Spring Retreat – Heaven and Nature Sing – Waco, TX – March 10-13
  • Alabama State Lectureship – Montgomery, AL – March 16-20
  • Freed-Hardeman Lectureship – Henderson, TN – March 16-20
  • Inspire New England Conference – Manchester, CT – March 21-23

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