Brian Rex Davis
Cedar Park, TX
WBS ACTION! Editor and President
“Isn’t it strange that princes and kings
And clowns that caper in sawdust rings
And common people like you and me
Are builders of eternity?
Each is given a book of rules
A shapeless mass, a box of tools;
And each must shape ere life is gone,
A stumbling block or a stepping stone.”
(R. Lee Sharpe)
My missions professor, Dr. Joe D. Gray, used to quote this poem often as he mentored us young missionary trainees. Some of the tools that Bro. Gray equipped each of us students with were the tools of World Bible School. Training as a missionary is not just an academic exercise, it is a practical matter. Furthermore, missionaries are mission multipliers, which is to say …
“ … and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”
2 Timothy 2:2 ESV
What we have “heard” is the Word of God. But not everyone has had the opportunity to have a study of the Word for themselves. As a builder of eternity, I must ask myself, “What will I shape ere life is gone, a stumbling block or a stepping stone?”
WBS seeks to equip every willing Christian with the tools for building stepping stones for eternity.
The most important tool of all is the Bible, itself. Since 2017, WBS has been able to provide the brotherhood with 500,000 of our study edition Bibles. Our study material in the back of the Bible lovingly guides seekers to see what the Bible says for itself.
The study notes mirror our “Master Series” Bible correspondence courses providing Study Helpers with integrated tools for sharing Jesus. Our current Study Edition Bible is published in the NKJV and comes with a basic concordance and Jesus’ words in red plus our WBS Study Notes.
For several years, we have offered our Study Bible Incentive program where generous Christians can provide a free Bible to Students who have completed five of our course booklets. Each of these Incentive Bibles cost $8.
Builders of eternity… what an exciting privilege!
We are currently running low in stock of our Incentive Bibles in Ghana, Africa. Would you consider helping us send 8,000 Bibles so we can continue motivating Students to study God’s Word. We are seeking $64,000 by the end of 2023 to meet this need. Click here to give now.
WBS Incentive Bible Program offers free WBS Study Bibles for Printed and Online Lesson Students who complete the “Master Series” through Born of Water and Spirit (the fifth course in the series). See page 13 for instructions on how you can give. To send your qualifying Student an Incentive Bible, simply call our office at (512) 345-8190. Study Helpers only need to pay a small fee to help with shipping ($4 for United States Students and $10 for international Students).