Tesgaye is More than Numbers

Tim Yaeger


Tim Yeager
Chief Information Officer
Birmingham, AL


SOWING and HARVESTING! I’m marking this year as the year of great sowing and a bountiful harvest. When we plan for a year, we place goals to know where we are going and be good stewards of the time God has given. When we faithfully follow Him, He will exceed our goals way above what we can ever imagine. As we reflect on the numbers, we see God working in all of you to accomplish the Great Commission of Jesus. When you adopt, you sow a seed. When you encourage, you sow a seed. When you introduce yourself, you sow a seed. Each time you grade, give feedback, or send a message, you sow a seed. Every action you take in maintaining or attempting to contact a Student is a seed sown. Not every seed is allowed to grow, but that is not your fault. It’s the condition of the heart that makes the seed flourish or die.

We see the harvest of our efforts. We see the tremendous bountiful harvest of lost souls entering the Kingdom of Christ with eternal life. We see lost souls connected to a local congregation for a Bible study. This is all God’s bountiful harvest and His working through our humble efforts. I am excited about 2024 and what God will continue to do through our faithful and humble efforts. Set some goals for yourself. Set a goal to adopt 5, 10, 20, or even 100 Students a week if you have the time. No matter what, keep adopting diligently, and you’ll see your harvest among your Students.

In December 2023, we saw the following activity:

Online Registrations

  • Web Students: 5,584
  • Postal Students: 507
  • WBS Lite: 11,713

Online Activity

  • 19,256 quizzes graded by Study Helpers
  • 19,383 quizzes submitted by Students
  • 14,549 adoptions were made

Online Follow-up Activity

  • 21 baptisms completed
  • 6 in-person Bible studies started
  • 6 people connected to a local congregation

In the year 2023, we saw:

Online Registrations

  • Web Students: 49,472
  • Postal Students: 5,630
  • WBS Lite: 112,060

Online Activity

  • 214,747 quizzes graded by Study Helpers
  • 214,991 quizzes submitted by Students
  • 146,302 adoptions were made

Online Follow-up Activity

  • 295 baptisms completed
  • 158 personal Bible studies started
  • 117 people connected to a local congregation

Tesgaye is More Than a Number

This sowing continues even in Follow-up, and we see the importance of the local congregation’s role in leading a lost soul to the Kingdom. Many times, Students who indicate they want to be baptized may need a little additional study. The local congregation may have a Bible study with someone to confirm they understand the significance of baptism into Christ.

This scenario played out with Tesgaye in Ethiopia. Historically, Ethiopia has not had a lot of World Bible School activity, and contacts are limited. Yet that doesn’t stop God from working powerfully. Tesgaye registered in October 2022 on WBS Lite and completed the Master Series by the end of December 2022. His Study Helper kept up with his progress.

After a few in-person Bible studies with the local congregation, Tesgaye was baptized in December 2023. Praise the Lord! He is now joyful being a new brother in Christ, with his sins washed away in the blood of Christ.

Seed growth can take time. Hearts sometimes need tilling, watering, and prep work to allow the seed to grow. God is working along the way. Let’s start 2024 by adopting many Students, continuing the work of sowing the seed of God’s Word, and anticipating a bountiful harvest for the Kingdom of Christ!

If you would like to send us stories of your Students, please email us pictures and information to help@worldbibleschool.net. Please ask your Student for permission before sharing their story.

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